Labelling machine

Versatile labeller based on the highly automated HEUFT SPECTRUM II.
The HEUFT TORNADO II classic combines the classic robust design of proven HEUFT labelling machines with the current HEUFT SPECTRUM II platform. This not only increases its automation, performance, precision and operational reliability when applying labels but also makes it much more versatile: up to three different stations for accurate wet glue, self-adhesive and wrap-around labelling can be easily integrated into the new generation labeller. Integrated detection units safeguard the features and quality of the final product sustainably.
Wet glue labelling
Applying precisely: exacte complete equipment.
Accurate, gentle and tidy: the HEUFT TORNADO II classic can be equipped with up to three coupled wet glue stations for, among other things, body, collar or neck ring labelling depending on the application. The bottles are sent past them after they have been transferred to the carousel and fixed by the centring elements. At the same time the integrated glue segments are covered with an exactly adjustable quantity of glue so that each one of them picks up precisely one label whilst passing.
A gripper cylinder then pulls it off and presses it gently with the glued side against the precisely aligned bottle. A sponge ensures a homogeneous application. Labelling platforms rotate the bottles so that the wet glue labels are applied tidily and brushed on without creases. The optionally available automatic magazine feed (see below) ensures that their supply does not run out too quickly and prevents unwanted production stops.
Wrap-around labelling
Rotating harmoniously: a precise application all around.
A perfect fit, careful and without an offset: special units can be integrated into one or more of the up to three permanently assembled labelling stations of the HEUFT TORNADO II classic easily and flexibly for wrap-around labelling – with individually controllable nozzles which apply fine spots of glue in the right quantity and exactly to the bottles fixed in platforms by means of centring bells. The containers are rotated harmoniously so that the labels can wrap themselves around them completely and precisely – at a speed which can be specifically regulated for different formats.
The glue spots which have been applied pull the labels out of the magazine. At the same time a special nozzle applies a thin line of glue to the end of the label for the final gluing so that the overlap can be stuck precisely practically, without an offset, and brushed on carefully. A closed hot glue system keeps glue consumption low and prevents contamination. This reduces maintenance costs and increases operational reliability during the accurate application of wrap-around labels.
Self-adhesive labelling
Applying accurately: perfectly sticking labelling results.
Dynamic, precise and accurate: corresponding units, with which one or more labelling stations in the HEUFT TORNADO II dynamic can be equipped, apply self-adhesive labels exactly. The bottles enter the labeller if the container stop which stops the production flow in the case of a malfunction is unlocked. The infeed worm ensures that the gap between them is correct in the course of this before they are taken over by the infeed starwheel and transferred to the machine carousel. This is exactly where the self-adhesive labels are applied precisely and with a close fit.
The roll with the labels is placed in the labelling unit with servo-controlled dispensing head for this purpose. Thus they can be peeled off at the dispensing plate and applied to the passing bottles using special pads. They are firmly clamped for this – in fact centrally between the rotating platform and the centring bell. Therefore nothing can slip and the labels remain stuck exactly where they belong.
Label check
More than just labelling: direct presence check.
Double-checking, examining and verifying: the HEUFT TORNADO II classic can do more than "just" apply labels. It also checks the results of its work during the same process. The presence of the labels is checked using sensors. This direct quality assurance can be extended by numerous other checking and inspecting functions upon request (see below).
Отбраковка продукта
Надежная отбраковка дефектных емкостей позволяет избежать отзыва продукции.
Быстро, бережно, точно: высочайшая точность при распознавании ошибок эффективна только тогда, когда дефектные продукты сразу удаляются из производственного потока. Это точно и бережно выполняют одно - и многосегментные системы отбраковки серии HEUFT rejector.
Fast brand changes
Changing simply: adapting without tools.
Uncomplicated, time-saving and reliable: the HEUFT TORNADO II classic not only keeps time and personnel requirements extremely low during running operation. Brand and program changes are also dealt with fast and easily: no tools whatsoever are required in order to replace the change parts. The vertical adjustment of the labelling units is carried out just as automatically as the correct positioning of the sensors for checking the label presence. This saves human resources and reduces unproductive downtimes to a minimum.
Central lubrification
Greasing automatically: minimum maintenance.
Central, automatic and economical: the correct amount of grease is applied to all the moving parts of the labelling machine so that everything always runs like clockwork. The integrated central lubrication system greases the main bearings and the rotary gears for the bottle platforms and an oil pump the labelling stations. A special labyrinth seal prevents water entering the closed oil system in the course of this. This ensures the durability of all the components sustainably. Complex maintenance work can therefore be dispensed with.
Optional additonal functions
Making even more possible: extensions to the range of functions.
Labelling machines with their modular design based on the HEUFT SPECTRUM II can be expanded at any time. Thus the range of functions of the HEUFT TORNADO II classic can be optionally extended with further functions for optimising and checking the labelling and product quality:
The rotating cam is no longer controlled mechanically but electronically due to the use of servomotors. This makes it programmable according to the brand so that brand changes can be dealt with fast and easily. In addition this flex technology together with precise camera technology achieves a fine adjustment of the bottles with millimetre accuracy for even more precision when applying labels.
The automatic magazine feed (AMF) makes a non-stop labelling operation possible. The servo-controlled add-on module increases the label stock and therefore minimises the need for manual intervention: a new magazine is simply pushed into place during running operation when a magazine is empty. Standstills are therefore sustainably avoided and human resources effectively saved.
Camera-based modules check the position, fit, alignment as well as the brand purity of the labels. An intelligent colour sensor camera verifies the best before dates and barcodes which have been applied.
Special detection units check the fill height and the internal pressure.
The bottle burst detection records burst glass bottles in the infeed, stops the machine and protects it against contamination due to glass splinters.
A special collection table prevents the accumulation of containers in the outfeed.
Special sensors check the presence and the position of the closures. The logo detection identifies non-brand lids.
Special camera technologies carry out a gapless all-around inspection of the closures.
The HEUFT sonic checks the tightness of metal lids and crown corks.
The clean in place function saves time and supports the employees because it cleans the labelling stations automatically without the time-consuming dismantling of individual components.
The innovative hands-off dialog function produces genuinely responsive results during machine analysis and process monitoring and makes the voice control of the HEUFT TORNADO II classic possible.
Просто автоматизация: универсальная платформа для максимальной производительности.
Высокоавтоматизированный, универсальный и мощный: HEUFT SPECTRUM II представляет оптимальную инспекцию и высокую эксплуатационную надежность во время инспекции для устойчивого контроля качества продукта и эффективности линии. Всеобъемлющий мультипроцессорный блок управления для различных модулей, систем и случаев применения впечатляет своим исключительным уровнем автоматизации: смена сорта или формата происходят без ручного вмешательства. Уникальный человеко-машинный интерфейс универсальной платформы устройств не требует пояснений. Таким образом сохраняются персональные ресурсы. Аппаратно- программное обеспечение собственной разработки последнего поколения и инновационная программа сетевого подключения обеспечивают максимальную вычислительную мощность и передачу данных в режиме реального времени. Результат: максимальная точность при безошибочном отслеживании, инспекции и отбраковке продукции.
Знать, что необходимо сделать: понятное аудиовизуальное руководство пользователя.
Интуитивно, индивидуально и аудио-визуально: для работы с системой HEUFT SPECTRUM II не требуется предварительных знаний. Руководство пользователя HEUFT NaVi - это поддержка пользователя шаг за шагом. Авторизация с помощью RFID в соответствии с уровнем доступа содержит обзор и делает работу пользователя очень простой: он видит только то, что ему необходимо в интерфейсе пользователя на сенсорном экране с четкой системой меню, с интегрированными учебными пособиями и с инструментами помощи для оптимального выполнения конкретных задач. В процессе работы он поддерживается виртуальным ассистентом. Она говорит с ним, четко объясняя что и где должно быть сделано. Целенаправленность и фокусировка на важном — аудиовизуальное руководство пользователя HEUFT NaVi делает надежную работу систем HEUFT легко и просто!
HEUFT checkPoints
Simply seeing where what has to be done: trouble-free localisation.
Clear, direct and purposeful: the user can cope immediately on the rare occasions when manual intervention is needed. Because eye-catching HEUFT checkPoints make it clear at a glance exactly when it is necessary to take matters in hand in addition to the audiovisual information which the HEUFT NaVi provides. The orange tags with clearly assignable letters are on the device components where intervention may be required. If the worst comes to the worst the HEUFT NaVi shows them on the touchscreen. The HEUFT checkPoints then even optionally flash on the respective component in each case. The problem is located without a long search. This saves time and human resources, shortens standstills and therefore increases productivity.
Durable construction
Less maintenance: minimum wear and tear.
Solid, robust and low-maintenance: the HEUFT TORNADO II classic is made of stainless steel and galvanised components. All the moving parts of the low vibration machine are almost non-wearing and therefore very durable. Extremely low maintenance requirements. Thus the rubber parts of the glue segments are vulcanised and dimensionally stable. This ensures the exact positioning of the labels as well as maximum ease of servicing and minimum maintenance requirements. The wear and tear of the specially developed centring heads is also extremely low. The centring bells can be replaced quite simply in one easy movement. All the components which come into contact with the containers are made of plastic. This keeps the noise level during the labelling process to the absolute minimum. The result: a solid, durable and easy to service construction.
HEUFT CleanDesign
Очень простая чистка: оптимальная гигиеничная конструкция.
Доступно, чисто и безопасно: это предопределено системой HEUFT CleanDesign для использования гигиенически чувствительных областях. Наклонные поверхности облегчают чистку и предотвращают накопления стойких загрязнений. Специальные желоба и отверстия полностью стечь моющей жидкости. Поэтому опасные микробы и бактерии не контактируют ни с какой поверхностью. Специально сконструированные корпус и дверцы создают оптимальную доступность. Электроника полностью герметична. Чувствительные области, такие как инспекционные модули являются пыле- влагозащищенными.
Сетевые технологии
Объединить в сеть: онлайн- подключения для повышения эффективности и качества
Передача данных в режиме реального времени, сбор производственных данных, анализ линий и дистанционное техобслуживание: такое решение есть — объединение в сеть! Системы HEUFT используют перспективные сетевые интерфейсы (Gigabit Ethernet и TCP / IP) для онлайн соединений через Интернет и интерфейсы баз данных (SQL / DDE) для повышения эффективности и оптимизации управления качеством, значительно упрощая и убыстряя рабочие процессы. Таким образом, производственные данные, сменные записи, производственные ошибки и ограничения по HACCP доступны по сети. Результат: раннее распознавание проблем качества и эффективности. Межсетевой экран защищает прямое подключение к HEUFT TeleService и позволяет осуществлять дистанционное техобслуживание в любое время суток.
versatile labelling machine of the new generation
highly automated HEUFT SPECTRUM II platform with audiovisual HEUFT NaVi user guidance
high-precision wet-glue, self-adhesive or wrap-around labelling during a single work process
integrated detection units for sustainable quality assurance
centralised lubrication for the complete machine
robust, hard-wearing and durable construction with the hygiene-optimised HEUFT CleanDesign
optional hands-off voice control
straightforward brand changes and minimum maintenance
minimum noise development
simple integration into existing lines
online connection for remote maintenance and production data acquisition
performance range – up to 72,000 containers per hour