Full product check

Finding quality defects quite easily: compact full product check with self-explanatory user guidance.
Inspecting the fill level, checking the presence, position and tightness of closures, detecting unlabelled pharmaceutical, cosmetic and care product containers as well as serial faults and consistently rejecting faulty products: this is easier than ever before with the HEUFT PRIME ! Because the compact full product check combines different detection technologies with a high degree of automation and the audiovisual HEUFT NaVi user guidance.
Fill level detection
Finding underfills and overfills reliably: the right technology for each application.
Too little, too much or exactly right: the HEUFT PRIME can be perfectly equipped with different detection modules for a precise fill level detection.
It checks the filling quantity of transparent pharmaceutical primary packaging with infrared technology highly precisely. The high frequency measurement provides exact results for all types of non-metal containers. X-ray technology for determining the filling quantity exactly is used in the case of opaque primary packaging material.
Closure detection
Checking the tightness: special procedures for different closures.
Missing, incorrectly positioned and leaking: the HEUFT PRIME identifies closure faults such as these reliably. Different procedures are used for this: it checks the presence and position with special sensor and optical technologies. Therefore missing closures or closure elements which are too high are noticed immediately. The same applies to deviating closure curvatures which draw conclusions about the internal pressure and consequently the tightness of the containers.
Label check
Paying attention to the labels: specific examination of the presence.
Collar, body, neck or wrap-around label: there must not be any missing! The HEUFT PRIME checks whether this is really the case by means of special sensors which make use of the different reflection characteristics of the container surface and the label. Therefore it is immediately clear when one or several of them are missing. The sensors can be directly integrated in the labeller. A presence check is also possible whilst the containers are being transported on the conveyor as an alternative.
Serial fault detection
Noticing the repeated occurrence of defects in good time: locator for safeguarding productivity.
Specific, in good time and sustainable: the HEUFT PRIME prevents faults from becoming serial faults and impairing the productivity of the complete filling and packaging line. For example an integrated locator function records when a particular filler valve regularly underfills in good time.
A switch-off pulse is emitted when the number of faulty fillings exceeds a certain, individually adjustable threshold value. Therefore malfunctions can be rectified before they can threaten the safety and quality of complete batches and cause rejection rates which are too high. The HEUFT PRIME also notices recurring closure and labelling faults in good time and prevents these from going into production and thwarting the efficiency and productivity of the whole line by means of a stop signal.
Espulsione dei contenitori difettosi
Prevenire i richiami di prodotto: espulsione affidabile dei contenitori difettosi.
Veloce, attenta e accurata: la più alta precisione nel rilevare i difetti è realmente efficace solo se i prodotti difettosi vengono rimossi subito dopo. I sistemi di espulsione a segmento singolo o a multi-segmento della famiglia HEUFT svolgono questo compito con precisione e attenzione.
Monitoraggio del prodotto e auto-test
Andare sul sicuro: tracciare esattamente il prodotto ed eseguire test di funzionamento a scadenza regolare.
Conoscere sempre la posizione esatta di ogni prodotto grazie a un sistema molto preciso di tracciamento. Questo assicura che nessun contenitore venga trascurato dall’ispezione.
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La verifica integrata di avvenuto scarto controlla che ogni prodotto classificato come difettoso venga effettivamente deviato dal flusso produttivo. Programmi automatici di test assicurano un controllo periodico delle prestazioni di rilevamento. E’ possibile inoltre il monitoraggio continuo tramite rete Ethernet e l’archiviazione a lungo termine dei risultati.
Simply knowing what to do: self-explanatory audiovisual user guidance.
Intuitive, individual and audiovisual: previous knowledge is not required in order to operate the HEUFT PRIME reliably. The HEUFT NaVi user guidance is self-explanatory and supports the respective user step by step.
An RFID login with user-related access rights provides an overview and makes the respective user's work simply easy: he only sees what he really needs to on the clearly arranged touchscreen user interface with a flat menu structure, integrated tutorials and precise auxiliary tools in order to fulfil his specific tasks optimally. He is supported by a virtual assistant in the course of this. She speaks to him and clearly explains what has to be done when and where. Purposeful and focussed on the essentials – the audiovisual HEUFT NaVi user guidance makes the reliable operation of HEUFT systems simply easy!
HEUFT checkPoints
Vedere chiaramente dove intervenire: localizzazione a prova di errori.
Chiari, diretti e risolutivi: l’utente può uscire indenne dalle rare occasioni in cui viene richiesto il suo intervento manuale. Questo perché gli HEUFT checkPoints, in aggiunta alle informazioni audiovisive fornite dall’HEUFT NaVi, rendono visibile a colpo d’occhio quando è necessario intervenire manualmente.
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Le etichette arancioni non solo lampeggiano sul pannello operatore ma anche sui rispettivi singoli componenti nel caso si arrivi al peggio. L’anomalia viene localizzata facilmente, senza perdere tempo in lunghe ricerche. Tutto ciò comporta un notevole risparmio di tempo e di risorse umane, riduce i fermi di produzione e aumenta la produttività generale della linea.
Tecnologie di rete
Tutto in rete: essere “online” per far crescere efficienza e qualità.
Trasmissione di informazioni in tempo reale, acquisizione dei dati di produzione, analisi della linea e manutenzione da remoto: la rete è la risposta!
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I sistemi HEUFT sono dotati di interfacce all’avanguardia di rete (Gigabit Ethernet e TCP / IP) e di database (SQL / DDE) per la massima efficienza della linea e del controllo qualità, con flussi di lavoro più veloci e semplificati. Pertanto dati di produzione, registri degli accessi, difetti di produttività e analisi dei valori HACCP sono disponibili online. Il risultato di tutto questo è una precoce identificazione dei problemi. La connessione ai servizi di HEUFT TeleService è protetta da firewall e garantisce l’assistenza remota 24 ore su 24.
HEUFT rejector
Removing faulty products: the right rejector for all cases.
For example, the single-segment HEUFT flip and HEUFT mono rejectors as well as the multi-segment HEUFT DELTA-FW and HEUFT DELTA-K systems are ideally suited for the reliable rejection of faulty, filled containers.- all the basic functions for a full container check in one compact device
- automatic vertical adjustment of all the detection units for easy and fast brand and format changes
- self-explanatory HEUFT NaVi user guidance with integrated auxiliary tools and extensive audiovisual step-by-step assistance
- clear touchscreen user interface concentrating on the essentials and rapid login with personalised access levels
- attractive price due to series production
- performance range – up to 1,200 containers per minute
- reduction of the false rejection rate during the closure detection up to 0.01 %