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A deep look empowered to judge!

There are many X-ray inspection devices on the market for detecting foreign objects in food.  However only HEUFT eXaminer II systems combine unbeatable pulsed X-rays with the new AI developed in-house. This ensures the necessary detection accuracy and genuine judgement even in the most difficult cases.

Since last autumn, it has been demonstrating its strengths at major food producers such as Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co): our deep learning AI is making the difference when it comes to finding foreign objects where it was previously thought to be completely impossible – and clearly distinguishing real risks from harmless product structures and inhomogeneities on the X-ray image.

Glass splinters in red cabbage jars or wire fragments in pasta boxes and many other foreign objects in food packaging with irregular contents can now be detected. This is ideal for product safety, consumer and brand protection, as well as preventing unnecessary food waste caused by the mistaken rejection of faultless products. This is because the power of judgement of our HEUFT reflexx A.I. X-ray image processing also reduces the false rejection rate!


Intelligent pulsed X-ray inspection

However, even with the new deep learning algorithm, it can only achieve such top values when evaluating X-ray images if the quality of the X-ray images to be analysed is also correct. The AI is used to remove noise and artefacts so that the smallest objects can be recognised much better. However, a real Deep Detecting particularly in high-speed lines depends on an X-ray method which keeps pace and generates X-ray shots free from motion blur.

For this HEUFT developed and launched a very special X-ray technology more than 20 years ago which clearly differs from conventional X-ray scans: instead of a continuous beam, extremely short pulses of X-ray are emitted only when needed, literally ‘freezing’ the moment and thus also the image. The high-resolution X-ray shot is therefore sharp and easier to analyse. And all this with an unrivalled low radiation exposure!

Sensitivity and judgement in foreign object detection

In-house developed X-ray tubes and many other recently optimised components from our own production increase the service life and reduce the total cost of ownership in pulsed X-ray inspection with the current HEUFT eXaminer II modular system series. At the same time, they further increase the sensitivity of the detection. This applies to the base and sidewall inspection of filled food jars as well as to the complete examination of full food cans and stand-up pouches, the top-down inspection of frozen pizza boxes or thermoformed trays and the pipeline inspection of unpackaged product mass.

The HEUFT reflexx A.I. X-ray image processing, which is capable of deep learning now, has recently enabled the HEUFT company to take a major step forward in the detection of foreign bodies in foodstuffs.  Not the last one of course! What such a Deep Detecting, among other things, will be able to detect during optical empty bottle inspection in the near future, is already being demonstrated by the technology leader at drinktec 2025 in Munich, the world's leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry.