Full case inspection

Checking outer packaging specifically: precise full case inspection.
The HEUFT GX checks the quality features of newly packed bottle crates, trays and cardboard boxes. It detects external features such as deformations, raised cardboard box flaps, incorrect colours and logos just as reliably as containers inside the outer packaging which are missing, clearly underfilled, lying, too high or incorrectly closed.
Shape check
Ensuring transportability and unpackability: detecting distorted cases.
Stackable, transportable and functional: full cases should be in top shape. Otherwise they cannot be stacked, transported or stored. Furthermore distorted cases and cardboard boxes make it difficult to remove the containers contained in them. Therefore the HEUFT GX only allows outer packaging to pass which is in top shape. It checks its dimensions and measurements for this using sensors. The full cases in question are removed before being loaded if these deviate from the specifically determined limit values.
Cardboard box flap check
Detecting raised flaps: checking they are closed.
Falsely positioned, raised and incorrectly closed: this not only looks unsightly if this is the case with the flaps of cardboard boxes for drinks. In addition the effectiveness of the outer packaging and the safety of the products contained in it are at risk.
Therefore the HEUFT GX checks the position and the correct fit of the flaps and thus ensures that the complete case is closed. Sensors scan its edge areas for this. The measured values change if they are covered by raised flaps. Thus the respective outer packaging is detected reliably.
Checking the contents
What is on the inside counts: checking that all the containers are present.
Optical, inductive and radiometric: the HEUFT GX can be equipped with different technologies in order to check the contents of the newly packed full case.
The infrared detection checks that all the containers are present in the case. It makes use of the reflection characteristics of their closures for this. Inductive proximity switches provide precise results if these are made of metal or foil. The X-ray check offers the best detection reliability. It is the obvious choice especially for completely closed, non-transparent outer packaging. The absorption rate of the X-ray which is emitted in small doses changes when containers are missing. Therefore lying and extremely underfilled containers, as well as those which possibly leak, are identified.
Height check
Checking the profile: examining the vertical profile.
Distorted compartments, foreign objects under the bottles, broken or deformed containers: different factors result in deviating height proportions in the case. The HEUFT GX records them by means of an ingenious sensor system. It covers all the rows and compartments without gaps.
The rejection of faults
Preventing recalls: the reliable rejection of faulty cases.
Fast, careful and accurate: highest precision when detecting faults is only effective if the products in question are also removed afterwards. The device either emits a conveyor stop signal or activates the corresponding rejection system, such as the HEUFT xcase, in order to remove incomplete cases from the production flow.
Monitoraggio del prodotto e auto-test
Andare sul sicuro: tracciare esattamente il prodotto ed eseguire test di funzionamento a scadenza regolare.
Conoscere sempre la posizione esatta di ogni prodotto grazie a un sistema molto preciso di tracciamento. Questo assicura che nessun contenitore venga trascurato dall’ispezione.
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La verifica integrata di avvenuto scarto controlla che ogni prodotto classificato come difettoso venga effettivamente deviato dal flusso produttivo. Programmi automatici di test assicurano un controllo periodico delle prestazioni di rilevamento. E’ possibile inoltre il monitoraggio continuo tramite rete Ethernet e l’archiviazione a lungo termine dei risultati.
Simple brand changes
Changing automatically: automatic adjustment of the detection units.
Reliable, uncomplicated and easy: the HEUFT GX carries out brand changes without manual intervention. All the parameters are adapted automatically and the height and position of the detection units adjusted by motor. This practically rules out misadjustments. This save valuable time and money.
Optional additional functions
Making even more possible: extensions to the range of functions.
The HEUFT GX with its modular design can be extended at any time. Thus the following additional functions, among other things, can be integrated:
- A special camera system reliably differentiates between different case colours for highest brand purity. Three measuring windows can be determined for this so that differently coloured promotional stickers and symbols do not distort the result.
- The reliable detection of non-brand logos is also achieved optically. Up to seven different logos can be photographed and compared to the stored original in this way.
- The precise detection and differentiation of barcode labels is carried out by a special sensor system.
Controlling centrally: one platform for all requirements.
Precise, network-compatible and cross-system: the HEUFT SPECTRUM TX forms the basis for different technologies, modules and functions. The devices of the generation of the same name can be exactly adapted to individual requirements on site and retrofitted at any time due to this universal platform.
A cross-system component equality of 70 per cent ensures a high availability of spare parts. The central HEUFT SPECTRUM TX control unit creates a high level of precision during continuous product tracking and quality assurance due to its multiprocessing capability. A future-proof network connection ensures reliable remote maintenance and production data acquisition for optimum efficiency and productivity. In-house developed hardware and software and its own operating system ensure computing power and offer no opportunity for viruses or malware.
HEUFT reflexx
Combinazione di fotografie e rilevamento affidabile di oggetti: elaborazione immagini in tempo reale.
Velocità, potenza e precisione: combinare assieme immagini da telecamere e moduli a raggi-X e riuscire a rilevare specifici oggetti. La tecnologia HEUFT reflexx svolge in tempo reale tutti questi compiti.
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Hardware e software sviluppati da HEUFT forniscono un’elevata capacità di calcolo e sono configurati esattamente per venire incontro alle esigenze del controllo qualità della linea produttiva, producendo immagini di rilevamento ad alta risoluzione e analizzandole con precisione. Le tecnologie di filtro integrate, poi, distinguono chiaramente tra difetti reali o solo presunti. In questo modo si riducono decisamente i falsi scarti.
Lavorare con I sistemi HEUFT in modo affidabile: interfaccia utente grafica e pratica.
Chiara, utile e precisa: l’interfaccia grafica HEUFT PILOT è corredata di menù multilingue facili da capire e di diversi strumenti ausiliari. Pertanto l’utilizzo dei sistemi HEUFT SPECTRUM TX non è difficoltoso.
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Importanti informazioni e chiari messaggi di errore forniscono all’utente un supporto specifico. Questo evita regolazioni sbagliate e riduce i tempi di fermo,ad esempio per i cambi formato. Livelli operatore protetti da password sono configurati in base all’area di competenza dell’operatore, cosa che contribuisce alla facilità d’usa del dispositivo. Sono inclusi: un completo manuale online e uno strumento per identificare e ordinare le parti di ricambio in modo semplice.
Tecnologie di rete
Tutto in rete: essere “online” per far crescere efficienza e qualità.
Trasmissione di informazioni in tempo reale, acquisizione dei dati di produzione, analisi della linea e manutenzione da remoto: la rete è la risposta!
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I sistemi HEUFT sono dotati di interfacce all’avanguardia di rete (Gigabit Ethernet e TCP / IP) e di database (SQL / DDE) per la massima efficienza della linea e del controllo qualità, con flussi di lavoro più veloci e semplificati. Pertanto dati di produzione, registri degli accessi, difetti di produttività e analisi dei valori HACCP sono disponibili online. Il risultato di tutto questo è una precoce identificazione dei problemi. La connessione ai servizi di HEUFT TeleService è protetta da firewall e garantisce l’assistenza remota 24 ore su 24.
Removing faulty cases:
the right rejector for all cases.
Discharging, rejecting and distributing: HEUFT rejection systems for packaging remove faulty crates, cardboard boxes, trays or shrink wrap packages reliably from the production flow. They achieve maximum performance optimally matched to their respective task with regard to precision and carefulness.
- continuous quality assurance of filled outer packaging
- precise examination of up to 7,200 full cases per hour
- uncomplicated integration into existing lines
- fully automatic brand changeovers
- simple upgrading and retrofitting due to modular design
- compact, easy to clean construction
- online connection for production data acquisition and remote maintenance with the HEUFT TeleService